Somatic counseling

Somatic counselors


Amelie Ritter

Psychologin, Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie & Massagetherapeutin

  • Energetische Körperpsychotherapie

  • Ganzheitliche Frauenheilmassage

  • Ganzheitliche Körperarbeit


Fanny-Anna Henningsen

Craniosacral bodywork & Tarot reading

Craniosacral biodynamics is a form of somatic therapy that works with gentle holds on different body parts. In my work, I aim to embrace and honor the rich and complex experience of reconnecting with our sensing body. Our physical vessel is a direct channel to our heart and our emotional body, connecting us to memories, generational grief, and deep seated wisdom. This kind of bodywork is trauma-informed, consent-based, and prioritizes the clients own process and boundaries, through self-sovereignty. 


Francisca Véliz

Holistic Sexual therapy

I invite you to explore your sexuality as an essential aspect of humanity and well-being. Integrating my background in medicine, sexology and Taoist practice, I am here to guide you on a journey of self-discovery.

Together, through a holistic approach, we will work to discover what holds you back in your pleasure and cultivate a unique connection between yourself and your sexual energy – one that will empower you to lead a conscious and fulfilling sexual life based on love, respect and the inherent right to pleasure.


Pascale Pieper

Somatic Therapy, Yoga, Tarot

Through a combination of body-centered therapy, mindfulness, and counseling, I will help you ground yourself in your body and exhale, so we can then together start unraveling where there is need for some attention and love.